... simple way of living with a deep sense... A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE...
...feel the resonance, find the knowledge, understanding and love...
What We Do
We are a bit of a different model of centre working towards reconnecting with the natural world around us along with our inner selves. Our mission here is to grow, to learn, and to cleanse by keeping our eyes, our hearts, and our minds open. With a focus on increasing our consciousness, flexibility, and respect for others and the planet's living forms, we are working hard to create a more sustainable way of living. We grow everything from decoration plants and exotic fruit trees to lost and forgotten local crops and (in)famous medicinal plants. You can call the project a food forest, or a self-healing centre, or whatever you like. We are simply creating space for people of similar vibrations and ideas. We don't belong to any organisation, religion, or spiritual group...
We specialize in open-style, rustic, original cabins for long rent and cool spaces for retreats too...
Blazing the way that can be seen as a positive example or an idea of living and being. Trying to be more independent, open, aware of our everyday life. Breaking traditional concepts of living and thinking by simply not folowing them and experimenting with new methods in everything that we are facing by changing our programmed habits. Growing not only plants, but a new way of life. Adapting and creating a new paradigm of nutrition that helps us to heal and evolve and saves us from many unnecessary troubles, diseases, and wastes of energy and time. Connecting with the natural world here in order to cleanse and activate so that we can connect to some higher levels and intentions. Feeling as well as thinking about where we are coming from and to where we are heading so that we can have some assurance that all our "doing" here makes sense and that we are moving in the best possible direction. Reinforcing us gradually in independence to overcome destructive and manipulative governmental-cooperative-religious systems. Saying YES to less complicated, more satisfying and fulfilling life, leading to more energetic, emotional, and physical stability in order to simply live a more enjoyable, healthier, longer life with less damage to our environment... from damaging to synergising.
"You can count the seeds in a fruit but you cannot count the fruits in a seed."
"Live the way you love"