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• We have no income. Please donate.
​• Let us know in advance when you are coming and how long you intend to stay.
​• This is a VEGAN place.
• We practice the non-harming principle of ahimsa in every aspect of life.
• Drug use is not permitted.
• There are insects, spiders, scorpions, snakes, rain showers, and all manner of environmental hazards, but in general it is a very safe place.
• The region at large is not just a pristine tropical paradise. There are neighbours and other farms nearby.
• The farm in Serena is not primary jungle. Secondary vegetation devours the small fruit trees if we don't chop it down.
• We also protect 23 hectares of untouched primary rainforest connected to Parque Nacional Llanganates and Bosque Protector Colonso.
• We grow "strange" fruit trees from all over the world. Permaculture skills are welcome, but this is not a classic "permaculture" project.
• We work daily to maintain the farm. Expect no social community festival gatherings unless you organise them.
• Keep it simple, try to learn something new, and enjoy the nature while it lasts.

• We do -NOT- have fruiting durian trees at this time.

Basic Costs:
We are a non-profit project, and we do not sell anything, but we still pay property taxes. Many of our trees are still not producing, so we are still buying a lot of food and supplies, and unfortunately we still depend on the system of a profoundly sick society... but we are trying hard.

We offer 3+ good-quality vegan meals per day, clean jungle stream water for swimming, hands-on experience in tropical agroforestry, local products, native and exotic fruits, activities, yoga space, a growing library of books, intellectual conversation (sometimes), sun, shade, rain, wind, the miracle of life, and so much more...

In order to sustain and further develop the project and provide the amenities listed above, we ask those staying here to provide some form of contribution. We also welcome and encourage any donations, both from those staying here and from anyone who wishes to support the project from afar. This way we can improve conditions of living here for all and keep protecting our rainforest reserve, which is home to many species of plants and animals and produces pristine air and water...

Ask us for more details about fees and benefits of longer stays and how/what to donate.
Basic Rules:

• We ask you to let us know at least 1-2 weeks before you plan to come so that we can guarantee you a bed and comfortable space to enjoy the place...

• We ask you to let us know in advance (on arrival day) to let us know more or less how long you are about to stay.

• We try to get better... so no animal products, alcohol, or drugs on the farm please (except for medicinal plants of course...)

• We respect each other as one energy.

​• As a natural extension of veganism, and in return to our true nature, we practice the non-harming principle of ahimsa in every aspect of life.


• and more rules coming soon... ha... if necessary...

What To Bring:

• rubber boots and some light clothes with long sleeves if you wish to work
• all-natural cosmetics and repellents as there are only chemical products here for sale
• light, quick-drying clothes, and light rubber shoes (such as crocs)
• a wide-brim hat or visor for the sunny days
• power adapters for electric devices that you bring (Ecuador's outlets are 120V/127V and U.S. / Canada style.)
• useful books on agroforestry, veganism, nutrition, philosophy, Amazon plants and animals, neuroscience...
• pocket knife, flashlight/headlamp, other supplies that you would want to have on your person in an emergency
• strong, reusable shopping bags if you plan to buy food in town
• a mind that is open to a more tranquil, rustic, and independent way of life
• If you are coming here directly from a warm climate and wish to bring seeds, cuttings, or live plants of wet-tropical fruit trees, contact us for more information.

What NOT To Bring:

• drugs, animal products, captive animals, synthetic soaps/creams/pills/potions, and so on
• heavy polyester or rayon clothing (It does not dry here.)
• any man-made item that you expect to fix or replace locally (electronics, prosthetic limbs, size 46 shoes...)
• seeds of anything that has a chill or daylength requirement (apple, lettuce...)
• We provide all beds, tools, and mosquitieras.
• You do NOT need vaccinations to come here. We are in an area with NO malaria/dengue/yellow fever.

a tropical farming experiment

We grow strange things. This is a secondary jungle farm, so there are almost no typical crops like in your archetypal farm. We concentrate mostly on wet-tropical fruits and local products. We have many old and forgotten plants as well as plants from other tropical climates. We are experimenting with a lot, learning something new every day. We have tried to grow classic (occidental) vegetables, but only a few of them can survive here. We do not use herbicides or synthetic or animal-based fertilisers to keep plants alive when they are not suitable for the conditions here, and instead we focus on what will grow with only locally-grown mulch and compost and the care that we can give it. We strive for closed-loop systems, though we are not totally there yet. We do not practice permaculture per se, or any of the other "buzzword" styles of farming, though we take what's most useful from each of them. "Permaculture" vegetable gardening is more difficult than it's worth here – we've tried. Some folks have even tried to exploit some animals here, but we've decided to keep it simple and do what works for us – which we call veganic agroforestry.
While we have decided against the exploitation of animals (see below), we have adopted some stray dogs from Tena, jungle bees that were displaced by deforestation, and farmed fish that would have otherwise been killed. Everyone volunteers their particular talents in various ways. One could say that we now (as of March 2020) make up a "community" of dozens of individuals of four different species, and of course there are plenty of native creatures that live here alongside us or as neighbours that come and go from the land as they please. Lumicon Farm does not discriminate based on species, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, neurotype, age, fruit preferences, presence/lack of thumbs, legal status, country of origin, or other attributes that bear no relation to the quality of an individual’s character. No shirt, no shoes, no problem.

vegan (adj): existing in alignment with VEGANISM
veganism (n): the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals (from Veganism Defined as published by the Vegan Society in 1951)

Lumicon Farm is a vegan place and a vegan project. We do not commit or support (monetarily or otherwise) acts of unnecessary violence toward or exploitation of animals. We ask that those who come here conduct themselves likewise. "Veganism" is the word coined by Donald Watson and more precisely defined by Leslie Cross (in consensus with the Vegan Society) in order to describe this way of living. Psychologist Melanie Joy has used the term "carnism" to encompass the behaviours and philosophies of which veganism opts out. (Of course, the words are not the things, and we provide them here only for clarity.) From the animal suffering and environmental damage caused by carnism, to the mental gymnastics and misintegration necessary to justify it, to the limitations it places on achieving everyday wellness and personal growth, we have concluded that to live in any manner other than vegan would beget "vibes" that we do not want here. As a natural extension of veganism, and in return to our true nature, our only all-encompassing rule is to practice the non-harming principle of ahimsa in every aspect of life.

The land other than the primary jungle preserve is very "tame" and "domesticated" overall, though we do encounter many potential dangers, many of which are present to a greater degree than in the jungle. These include biting insects, spiders, scorpions, snakes, spiny or poisonous plants, tripping hazards, hidden holes, slippery terrain, falling branches and fruits, and barbed wire. Mental presence and awareness of one's surroundings make for a safer experience here. We recommend carrying a light if walking around at night and generally using common sense whenever possible.

With the domestication of the land by the indigenous farmers decades ago inevitably came the destruction of part of the primary rainforest. This means that the wild vegetation here is secondary growth. The plants grow quickly and die quickly. Unlike in the shady understory of the primary jungle, various pioneer grasses, vines, bushes, trees, and all manner of strangling greenery excel here. If we had not intervened and did not continue to intervene in the natural succession process by cutting back this vegetation, we would be unable to plant the fruit trees and other plants which facilitate both our own survival and the progression toward a sustainable long-term forest. We employ a "kill nothing" approach only in the primary rainforest preserve. Do not expect the impossible, as reality will always beg to differ...

There is not (currently) much large-scale agriculture or mining here, but there are roads and electrical wires connecting the local communities, and we have neighbours very close. They are generally very friendly towards us and our visitors, and they live much more simply than the "colonial" Ecuadorians in the larger towns. However, for all of their rustic charm, bear in mind that they are also not aligned with our way of living – we are an island within an island. The neighbours do exploit both animals and the natural resources, live "Westernised" lives with modern technologies, and occasionally allow the mining companies to have their way with the landscape. If you are looking for a totally pristine tropical rainforest paradise, this is not it, though we also protect 23 hectares of untouched primary rainforest connected to the expansive Parque Nacional Llanganates and Bosque Protector Colonso. We are just one small fruit forest project doing our part to steward our little island as responsibly as possible amidst the sea of everything else...

Planting, maintenance, and a multitude of tasks relating to the continuation and expedient advancement of the fruit forest occupy much of our time each day. We do not require anyone to join us in the farm work that we do if they would rather enjoy other activities while here, though we do ask for some form of contribution. We take a more-or-less hands-off approach to visitors here – if someone wants to help with a particular task, learn about the plants, or otherwise engage with us, they are free to do so, and if they would rather be left to explore each day by themselves, they are not disturbed. This affords everyone a degree of autonomy, and it also means that there is a stable "community" here only in the ecological sense of the term. Those looking for social interactions, group work days, acro-yoga, potluck dinners, jungle tours, and a "tribalistic atmosphere" or "sense of community" may well find all of it here, but none of it will manifest without someone to bring it together. In other words, the "social aspects" of the place are what the people make them. Nothing more, nothing less.

As stated elsewhere, we keep it simple. We observe the world, experiment with new things, and try to learn what we can. We are constantly striving for balance, peace of mind, and a nourishing habitat. We enjoy the nature that surrounds us as it all keeps spinning forward...

The durian trees (and many other trees) that we have planted here are not fruiting yet, but we already have some other trees fruiting.

You can contact us via
email or Facebook (Lumicon.Farm) to arrange a time to experience the place for yourself.


© 2023 por Los Viñedos del Valle Ltd. Creado con

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